PLANPORT - Supply Chain Protocol

Hello everyone, in this new post I would like to introduce about Planport project, and for more details let's just go to the following discussion:

Supply chain Protocol

The current supply chain industry is a $ 64 trillion market that employs millions of people around the world. Planport is building a protocol for the supply chain industry and our initial product focuses on procurement and its components.

Procurement is one of the core sectors of the supply chain industry. This involves purchasing goods and services that allow organizations to perform their day-to-day operations. A person involved in procurement may be responsible for purchasing raw materials from suppliers globally and bringing them into an organization by working with external C, finance and engineering executives and external suppliers.

While procurement is an important aspect of operations, the process has critical issues that are costly for all businesses from small companies to large companies. Constraints include inheritance systems with inexpensive, risky and time consuming inexpensive, expensive networks, cash flow problems that take weeks or months, contractual nightmares, poor supplier management and closed and centered access to goods and services.

A company spends 30 to 70% of its revenue on goods and services being outsourced, but many are still under-investment. The Planport platform supported by the PORT token aims to solve this problem by bringing together end-to-end procurement processes and empowering companies and suppliers using a decentralized business-to-business network in the supply chain industry. Buyers and sellers can use the platform for procurement, auction, payment, and contract management. At the end of supplier and buyer interactions, our invoice market allows suppliers to drive invoices to global investor networks where they can access multiple funders.

The market is built on Blockchain's distributed technology that enables participants to have a safe and efficient way to complete trade finance assets in the $ 3 trillion factoring industry. Planport, as part of the Planport Platform, has built and is building on the following products:

Planport RFX - procurement products for buyers and sellers. Planport Supplier Manager - a product for the company to communicate with and assess suppliers. Planport Auctions - a product to conduct a reverse auction with many suppliers. Planport Payment System - payment system powered by PORT token for business-to-business payments. Contract Planport - a full contract management product for the creation, storage, and discovery of contracts. Planport Experts Networks - a network of supply chain expert requests for companies. Planport Invoice Marketplace - a trade finance network for suppliers.

Planport will revolutionize the supply chain industry by building platforms that streamline processes and build on trust, mutual benefit and user-centered as part of Web 3.0 using Blockchain technology.

Building the infrastructure of the supply chain incentive mechanism.

The Planport token has been designed to have a significant impact on the procurement network and be useful for the users- now and in the long term. This is achieved by solving critical problems that faced by the supply chain system-notably, the procurement and sourcing industry.
500 M Tokens Minted
270 M Available for sale

Fund Allocation

Token Distribution

Some of the problems PORT token solves

Fairer Return
Suppliers want to monetise their ideas and their innovations they're bringing to the table for enterprises and get a fair incentive in return.Currently, there is no mechanism to solve this issue, so ideas and improvements are locked away.

Decentralising Firm based consultancy
One of the features of the Planport network is the On-Demand Consultancy. This means that the current system of having consultants advice enterprises on different aspects of procurement is done within the Planport system on a pay-per-use model instead of months of contracts and huge fees that need be locked in. Procurement heads will easily connect with experts in the different categories, needs, and transact without any hassle common with procurement advising firms. This means there are no large upfront investments or long terms contracts, and users can scale it up or down, or even turn it off as simple as users can turn it on.

Security Deposit and Staking
The Planport Utility Token(PORT) can be staked for the purpose of proposals issuing, submitting new proposals, Launching an RFP, and contract launching. The amount of token required to stake can be designed dynamically depending on the number of projects, the value of the project and other factors like reputation and rating of the entity.

Planport's Timeline

Q4 2017
Concept Stage
Curiosity + Passion

Curiosity & Passion
Driven by the curious nature we have at Planport, We started thinking about the problems we know about in the supply chain

In-depth Research
Doing more research into our specific niche of the supply chain and confirming hypothesis

Obessive researching
Doing more research into our specific niche of the supply chain and Confirming our initial hypothesis

Q1 2018
Meeting Initial users
Stage 1

Focusing Directly on Users
Conducting interviews and learning about the pain points within the supply chain

Building Process-Initiated
Design, Sketches and Coding

Design,Sketches and Coding
We started turning the data we collected through our research into tangible assets

Product Market fit(I)

Deploying our first production
Followed by iterating on designs,code and features & Planning to move onto the next stage

Fully functional platform
Past testing stage and feature-rich platform

MVP-Planport Enterprise Portal
Fully Functional Platform designed for Enterprises to make their supply chain management process painless

Fully functional platform
Past testing stage and feature-rich platform

MVP-Planport Supplier Portal
Fully Functional Platform designed for Enterprises to make their supply chain management process painless

Q2+Q3 2018
Token Economics Design
Smart contracts

Minting The PORT token
Designing token metrics

Utility Token Use cases confirmation
Researching and confirming our utility token
Interviewing clients about our utility token that can be used to solve Problems within the supply chain

Token Sale
+Private Sale
+Public Presale(Q3)

Community Build up
Getting our message across about Planport and the products we have and the vision we hold to transform the supply chain to a larger audience

Q4 2018
Building More
Scaling and build on the current Platform

Building and Scaling Stage 2
Hiring more engineers, building more robust Products and APIs for our supply chain users

Building More
Scaling and building the current Platform

Building and Scaling Stage 3
Hiring Engineers, Building more robust Products and APIs for our supply chain users

Clients on-boarding
Stage 3

on-boarding our first paying customers

Q1 2019
Clients on-boarding
Stage 4

Scaling the Planport's Network

To contribute and Know the progress of this offer, you may visit some of the following Links:




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