Invech Startups and Bitcoins in Timor-Leste


In a period of 1970–1980 Timor had became the front line of the Cold War in South East Asia. In 1975 Frente Revolucionária de Timor-Leste Independente (Fretilin) declared Timor’s independence from Portugal, ending 60 years of the colonial rule. In the following months, the Republic of Indonesia, covertly supported by the CIA, which was fighting the rising communists’ influence in Asia, started the military intervention. Soon, East Timor officially became the 27th province of Indonesia.

In 1990th, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, USA and Australia withdrew their military and political supports for the occupation of East Timor. Soon, internal political changes in Indonesia had allowed to organize Timore-Leste’s first independent elections. In 2002 the new Timorese Constitution was adapted, which sparked the civil conflict between pro-independence and pro-Indonesia militants. As a result, United Nations sent troops to East Timor and then held them there until 2012.

Invech Cryptocurrency Exchange is a cryptocurrency exchange spearheaded by Invech Group. Our platform IV token runs on the Ethereum network. Invech Group is licensed and endorsed by the government of Timor Leste to carry out and regulate, blockchain and cryptocurrency related operations such as exchange, ICO, mining, consulting and others. We aim to make Timor Leste the world's first Blockchain Smart City and bring development to the post-war country.
About Invech

Invech Cryptocurrency Exchange is a cryptocurrency exchange spearheaded by Invech Group. We have our own platform tokens called Invech Coins or IV which runs on the ERC20 platform. Licensed and endorsed directly from the Timor Leste Government, our license covers the whole blockchain and cryptocurrency framework, including cryptocurrency exchanges, ICOs, mining farms, blockchain solutions and etc. It is also the first blockchain /cryptocurrency service coming out of Timor Leste.

The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, or East Timor in English, is the 1st New Sovereign State of the 21st century. It is located in Southeast Asia, with a population of around 1.3 million. Sharing borders with Indonesia, the sovereign state comprises the eastern half of the island of Timor and several other nearby islands. The country restored its sovereignty in 2002 after the Indonesian occupation. Timor Leste’s decades-long independence struggle against Indonesia impaired much of its economic infrastructure, reducing it to Asia’s poorest country.

Today, they are still rebuilding and rectifying the preindependence adversity. And Invech hopes to be the channel for the people of Timor Leste to enhance and transform the economy status. Thus, creating a sustainable economy, and at the same time a tech savvy and advance, blockchain nation.

Secure digital ID card And digital infrastructure And obviously, personal data management To protect privacy And provide more business opportunities Which one is there to operate the blockchain related business? How many people are interested in participating in some large-scale infrastructure construction? Please raise your hand No matter what technology you have You can participate in our open tendering system, I will explain later This is a series of licenses we have Directly issued by the Government of Timor-Leste This is still an exclusive license So I said that there is no world

Digital currency exchange like us Other exchanges successfully passed regulatory regulations But our exchange is not that simple We have a piece Operating blockchain and token license We have a banking and import and export trade license I will understand when you see the next slide We also have the power to build civil engineering, like road building houses and many more As you can see, this is far beyond what a company can carry

That's why I just asked everyone How many individuals own their own company, even if you are not in the blockchain industry If you are engaged in construction or engineering Or other skills, or if you have friends who have such skills This is a shining opportunity that must be understood by them Off-topic, there are many beautiful women with scan codes on the spot If you want to get a free airdrop, please scan Or come to our booth We will have an exchange at two o'clock We also have Ability to operate renewable energy And all raw material collection Including those that will be used in the blockchain We can also run hotels, casinos And the lottery industry So please see, this is a widely used license, and it is directly Issued by the Prime Minister’s Department and the Ministry of Trade So currently We got the license and wrote the program We are here now We have laid the foundation at the same time.

This will manage all tokens This is what I said about consultants If you want to participate Some basic facilities construction projects Including projects related to the Belt and Road, it will be part of this So you know This is an extremely large and long-running platform And all bidding activities will also be through the exchange As I said, the Belt and Road Who has heard the Belt and Road Initiative Raise your hand, ok? a few people, very good It actually belongs to a project in China To provide a convenient pipeline To export their goods and services to the world just now You can actually Ship your goods from Beijing, or anywhere in China, to London It took only 18 days to use the train That is one of the plans for the Belt and Road.
Initial Exchange Offering (IEO)

IEO will run for 60 days and unsold will be given to Timor Leste – Invech Foundation with a vesting period of 3 years.

Duration: 30 days
Token Amount: 75,000,000 IV
Discount: 20%, Locked in for 6 months
Price: US$0.32

Duration: 30 days
Token Amount: 100,000,000 IV
Discount: 10%, Locked in for 9 months
Price: US$0.36
What is IV token?

IV token is the fundamental token used by Invech in all of its project. As a start it can be used as a platform token for Invech Crypto Currency Exchange, and later be used on all 9 of Invech licensed businesses. 500,000,000 unit of IV tokens have been created on the ERC20 platform, and the amount would never increase nor decreased.
How is it used?

IV Tokens can be used within the exchange to pay for transaction fees or outside the exchange where IV is a recognized mode of payment particularly in Timor Leste.

To introduce an alternative currency through the creation of Invech Token
Bringing in foreign direct investment & decreasing unemployment rate
Regulating crowdfunding through controlled processes
To fully tokenize tourism and agriculture in Timor Leste
Improving human capital and capabilities of the local people of Timor Leste
To provide advice and consultancy to the government on blockchain and technology related matters.
To provide education and training to improve livelihood
‍For full information, please visit
Benefits of IV token

Invech Token will be used on all platform of Invech Group’s business.
Exchange Discount

Get up to 60% discount on transaction fee when trading with IV Token.
Peer-to-Peer Payment

Ability to use it as P2P payment for business and individual. Mobile wallet to be released.
Early Bird Discounts

IEO participants can own IV Tokens at a discounted rate and enjoy token appreciation upon completion of IEO.

Platform for conversion of IV Token to Fiat to be launched in 2019.

IV Token is recognized as a legitimate crypto currency by the government of Timor Leste.
To be widely accepted

The main mode of transaction for all Invech's development
Low Risk Investment

Invech is a licensed body from the Government of Timor Leste to conduct and regulate crypto related businesses.

And than at least 70 countries participate So whether we like it or not China will become the latest economic giant In the next few decades that can be seen So we have to take advantage of this opportunity Observe how they invest in so many countries Including Malaysia What will happen to the high number of railways, we will wait and see but This is a big investment In addition, we will also create a blockchain country Because of the basic facilities of all governments Will be based on the blockchain So for the exchange itself We basically Inviting and welcoming the joining of major companies At the same time, customers can also trade currency transactions here There are also tokens to the currency exchange service As I said, we also have a bank license Not many exchanges can own, we will also be in East Timor Set up a cash machine to let you withdraw cash And buying tokens As I said, it is the entire government If you want to run an import business, you must negotiate with the trade department

You have to negotiate with other different departments All of the above will be integrated into a basic ecosystem So bureaucracy will disappear greatly And the system is easy to use Ok, this is the slide I want to show you How to maintain the liquidity of this exchange Because whenever I mention this, people are always curious How do you maintain liquidity? This is the source of liquidity Because of the open tendering system Any government bidding Whether it is building roads, building a telecommunications tower Still building a hospital Regardless of the infrastructure of any project Will be carried out on this open tendering system And this commodity supply platform Will become a resource platform in various projects Integrating the technology behind all of the above transactions Is the Yiwei Exchange, which is why The liquidity of the platform is not a big problem In addition to this, all government related projects Will pass through here, so that is the outline of this project And the key The mission of the Yiwei Foundation is to supervise these From different fields, including post-war veterans In East Timor, a friend who is over 25 years old Have experienced or participated in war I have been to Malaysia twenty-five years ago Unfortunately We often forget Those veterans who used to be a national war in the 1960s Many countries have such problems That is mainly We feel that many of the funds come from foreign rescue funds.

It sounds a lot like something that is only found in third world countries I actually came from Mexico, Latin America, I know that I don’t look like Please change your racial stereotype Anyway, I am a Mexican Usually what most people don’t know is Developed countries also face the same problem How many of you know, forty-five percent American Either directly Or not directly employed by the federal government Britain has the same problem So the problem that the world is facing is Many people are relying on Tax-free assistance, donations, etc Different countries have different names, and here is the same Problems faced by many countries Especially the third world, or Latin America and Asia These donations may not reach the beneficiaries This is where the blockchain can come in handy Digital identity authentication also has an appropriate role Remind, if you want to know more about us Our booth is outside, another room There will be exchanges in the afternoon

So that is basically The overall situation of the Yiwei Digital Currency Exchange As I said, we will also participate in the Belt and Road So there will be countless projects to join our exchange This is not just a peer-to-peer exchange It is also a digital currency exchange So I think we are very different Compared with other exchanges If you want to talk to us, disagree or you want to discuss, please come to our booth for consultation Or participate in our communication sessions

As I just mentioned Our information as a consultant If you want to participate, you have great ideas You have special skills You want to join us in another program, we want to educate the public Not only in East Timor, but in Southeast Asia Let them know the blockchain technology But we can't do it alone, so we need experts like you To join as a part of this project This is one of the main goals I want to mention something, about five minutes in my opinion People like Jimmy Roger will agree Kofi Annan, the former chairman of the United Nations, also said something similar We are experiencing a huge change in the world Inventions such as artificial intelligence, automation technology Will cause huge harm to human work opportunities In my opinion, the changes we will experience Similar to the industrial period We are transforming from agriculture to industry This is what we are currently experiencing So most middle class is experiencing a transition period.

Timor-Leste’s fixed Internet penetration rate is among the lowest in the world (less than 2%). Consequently, cryptocurrencies and ICO are not on the radars of the local financial regulators. This puts Bitcoins in the gray legal zone and, at the same time, makes it technically legal in the country. In long-term perspectives, as the smart-phones’ blockchain technology develops and mobile Internet expands in Timor-Leste, we can expect that country’s conservative authorities will restrict or even ban crypto. Meanwhile, however, the mid-term outlook for crypto and ICOs is positive in Timor-Leste.
Token Allocation

Note: To be released in stages as more platforms are launched to control liquidity and value of IV tokens.

30% of the funds will be used to build the Invech platform and perform upgrades to the system, which includes team recruiting, training, and the development budget.
30% will be used for Invech’s branding and marketing, including continuous promotion and education of Invech and blockchain innovations in industry mediums. A sufficient budget for various advertisement activities, to help Invech become popular among investors, and to attract active users to the platform.
30% will be kept in reserve to cope with any emergency or unexpected situation that might come up.
10% Security – to conduct scheduled and periodic security review, audit and risk management to close technical and business process vulnerabilities.

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