
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2018


INTRO a betting platform that will provide you with a decentralized gaming app, which allows you to play individually or in groups. You can test your ability and compete together with your friends. We will provide a feature where you can bet and calculate the end result of popular social events with your friends. We will make online betting space more innovative and interactive to you, by combining these features, we can facilitate competition among players, test their skills and knowledge against others. We are not just a regular betting platform, we are better and more innovative. We will develop this platform with more innovative features compared to similar platforms, we rely more on the current system of decentralized systems, where the system is not centralized at one point and allows the system to work more efficiently and better than the conventional platform system betting at this time. We will design, where each game is monitored and verified directly using O

Обзор: ICO & Bounty PDATA

PDATA создает центральный рынок, на котором компании могут покупать личные данные непосредственно у потребителей без посредников, этим самым PDATA токен придает ценность личным данным и создает валюту, которая точно выражает эту ценность. PDATA радикально меняет то, как сегодня работает централизованный процесс сбора и продажи личных данных. Opiria не является каким-то стартапом, который просто хочет привлечь средства, а это уже рабочий продукт который используются во всем мире. Кампанию Opiria уже зарекомендовала себя как бренд, её услугами пользуются более 500 кампаний, я перечислю лишь несколько именитых брендов: Audi, BMW, Mersedes-Benz, Volkswagen, General Motors, Nissan, Intel, Procter & Gamble, Freightliner и многие другие. На данный момент кампания помогает таким 👆 кампаниям во всем мире понять потребности потребителей. Главным отличием Opiria от своих конкурентов, в том что они не просто продают идея, а имеют настоящий продукт с реальными клиентами, а это д

PDATA token

One of the problems that prompted the rapid development of information technologies was the unauthorized use of personal data of citizens for various purposes: from sending spam and telephone marketing, ending with unauthorized debiting of funds from plastic cards and various forms of fraud. So who is it profitable for? First of all, this is beneficial to unscrupulous business companies that are waging constant wars over consumer data. Absolutely not respecting the confidentiality of customers and spreading false and incomplete data upon request to sell them to companies for further use. This problem needs to be solved now! Projects based on Block Technology will provide an ideal solution to this problem by directly connecting customers to companies. The project Opiria and its PDATA token will help in solving this problem by creating an ecosystem for the safe trade of personal data, completely ensuring the confidentiality of data of all users, while giving each con


Treon Encryption Revolution Utility Payment  Treon (TXO) Ethereum blockchain Based Utility Token and Secure Fashion Completely Distributed with Robust Technology for Paying Public Fees for e-Wallets Distributed projects that have a beneficial value to potential investors and investors, is one of the projects that a rapid increase in the fluctuation of the exchange of digital assets has become very large in the beginning of this year. The definition of this network uses an extremely unique theme of other block chain platforms in the world and has an investment process with equilibrium value and profit value greater than the capital required for modern digital asset trading. TREON Symbolic economic economy which can start trading personally It is a block chain platform that introduced original ideas first in the market, digital asset exchange platform. TREON Based on a system that opens more open investor opportunities with symbolic investment, t

Treon Bounty

Treon (TXO) is an Ethereum lock-token and an electronic wallet for paying utility bills using reliable technology in a fully decentralized and safe mode A decentralized project that has beneficial value to potential investors or investors is one of the projects that will grow rapidly, as the swings in the exchange of digital assets at the beginning of this year have increased significantly. The definition of this network uses a completely unique theme from other platform platforms around the world, has an equilibrium value and an investment process that has a profit value exceeding the capital needed for modern digital asset trading. TREON is a platform of blockades, which for the first time introduces a unique creative idea in the symbolic market of the economic economy, which can begin to trade in person and on a platform for the exchange of digital assets. TREON is one of the results of the development of the blockbuster industry that has experienced good performance and


Pycoin.IO Platform for Smart Smart Contracts Pycoin is a privacy that maintains a zero-based decentralization platform for writing, testing and implementing mathematically verifiable smart contracts in Python that behave the way they want. Unlike Ethereal's smart contracts with recurring hacking histories and stolen funds, hundreds of millions of dollars, Pycoin ensures that no time errors or intentional / accidental bugs can be used as an exploit to steal corrupt funds and Pycoin's smart contracts. Pycoin can also be used as a platform to launch a number of next-generation decentralization applications such as scalable desentralized exchange (DEXs), automatic hedge funds and darkpools. Pycoin uses simplicity, newly typed combinations, language combinations, functional without loops and recursion, designed to be used for crypto-currency applications and blocking applications as target languages ​​and Python, a very popular and versatile high-level programmin

Pycoin.IO :: Turing incomplete secure smart contract in python

Pycoin is a privacy preserving zero-knowledge protocol-based decentralized platform for writing, testing and deploying mathematically verifiable secure smart contracts in Python language that behave exactly as intended.Unlike Ethereum smart contracts with a history of repeated hacks and stolen funds, hundreds and millions of dollars, Pycoin ensures that no run time errors or intentional/unintentional bugs can be used as exploits to steal funds and corrupt Pycoin smart contracts. Pycoin can be also used as a platform for launching a number of next generation decentralized applications such as scalable decentralized exchanges (DEXs), automated hedge funds and darkpools. Pycoin uses Simplicity, a new typed, combinator-bas ed, functional language without loops and recursion, designed to be used for crypto-currencie s and blockchain applications as its target language and Python , a highly popular and versatile high-level programming language as its source. Simplicity was r

Impressio - Plateforme d'investissement Cryptocurrency pour les utilisateurs d'investir et de faire croître leur argent

Bonjour les amis Cette introduction explique la chose la plus importante à propos des cryptocurrencies. Après l'avoir lu, vous en saurez plus à ce sujet que la plupart des autres humains. Aujourd'hui, les cryptomonnaies (Buy Crypto) sont devenues un phénomène mondial connu de la plupart des gens. Bien que quelque peu geek et non compris par la plupart des gens, les banques, les gouvernements et de nombreuses entreprises sont conscients de son importance. En 2016, vous aurez du mal à trouver une grande banque, un grand cabinet comptable, une société de logiciels de premier plan ou un gouvernement qui n'a pas fait de recherches sur les cryptomonnaies, publié un article à ce sujet ou lancé un projet blockchain. Mais au-delà du bruit et des communiqués de presse, l'écrasante majorité des gens - même des banquiers, des consultants, des scientifiques et des développeurs - ont une connaissance très limitée des cryptomonnaies. Ils échouent souvent même à co

Impressio - Plateforme d'investissement Cryptocurrency pour les utilisateurs d'investir et de faire croître leur argent

  Bonjour les amisCette introduction explique la chose la plus importante à propos des cryptocurrencies. Après l'avoir lu, vous en saurez plus à ce sujet que la plupart des autres humains.Aujourd'hui, les cryptomonnaies (Buy Crypto) sont devenues un phénomène mondial connu de la plupart des gens. Bien que quelque peu geek et non compris par la plupart des gens, les banques, les gouvernements et de nombreuses entreprises sont conscients de son importance.En 2016, vous aurez du mal à trouver une grande banque, un grand cabinet comptable, une société de logiciels de premier plan ou un gouvernement qui n'a pas fait de recherches sur les cryptomonnaies, publié un article à ce sujet ou lancé un projet blockchain.Mais au-delà du bruit et des communiqués de presse, l'écrasante majorité des gens - même des banquiers, des consultants, des scientifiques et des développeurs - ont une connaissance très limitée des cryptomonnaies. Ils échouent souvent même à comprendre les conc