
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2018

BitcoinBing-exchange with improvements and features which it better (review)

Exchange platform is where to sell and purchase crypto and fiat monies, this platfrom they function as intermediaries between cryptocurrency buyers and sellers, linking requirement with supply and enabling buyers to make their desired purchases using cryptos or fiats of the choice, based on transaction This time I will discuss the new exchange platform, this is BitcoinBing, see the full discussion below: What is Bitcoinbing BitcoinBing is a exchange market with improvements and features which it better from every cryptocurrency exchange that already existed before, , BitcoinBing gives absolute control to its users over their desired cryptocurrency exchange formats, processes and procedures. BitcoinBing offers several interesting services, such as enables all the users to place the transactions on Zero percent fee, security with blockchain protection which seals every transaction firmly , the well-trained specialists on the platform to provide assistanc

BitcoinBing Exchange

Bitcoinbing has been created with the aim of resolution this problems. The exchanges nowadays face an explicit variety of problems. Bitcoinbing team had printed all those problems and designed its own exchange in an exceedingly means that it bypasses all those issues. Almost all the prevailing exchanges area unit place along in an exceedingly rush to create profits as shortly as attainable. This approach has caused basic shortcomings in their structure of operations. Bitcoinbing platform took a extended time for development, with the particular goal of guaranteeing that the user expertise doesn't deteriorate as user volumes rise on the platform. Bitcoinbing team used years of expertise in cryptocurrency and style, with this collective effort enabled North American country to create a platform that maintains a homogenousized|an identical|the same|a regular|an even} standard for user expertise, with the capability to resist serious dealing masses and huge fluctuations. C

BitcoinBing — Pertukaran Crypto

Tentang BitcoinBing Dalam dunia cryptocurrency yang sedang berkembang, memahami pertukaran cryptocurrency penting untuk memulai. Karena cryptocurrency sedang menuju pasar, pertukaran dengan mekanisme yang kuat dan manfaat tambahan akan meningkatkan penggunaan teknologi ini. Ini akan mendorong lebih banyak orang untuk bergabung dengan media yang lebih aman untuk perdagangan yang mengamankan keuntungan mereka. Hampir semua pertukaran yang ada disatukan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan sesegera mungkin. Pendekatan ini telah menyebabkan kekurangan dasar dalam struktur operasi mereka. Platform Bitcoinbing membutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk pengembangan, dengan tujuan spesifik untuk memastikan bahwa pengalaman pengguna tidak memburuk ketika volume pengguna meningkat di platform. Tim Bitcoinbing menggunakan pengalaman bertahun-tahun dalam cryptocurrency dan desain, dengan upaya kolektif ini memungkinkan kami untuk membangun platform yang mempertahankan standar yang seragam untuk

BitcoinBing - CryptoExchnage

In the budding world of cryptocurrency, understanding the cryptocurrency exchange is important to get started. As cryptocurrency is making its way into the markets, exchanges with a robust mechanism and additional benefits will enhance the usage of this technology. It would encourage more & more people to join a safer medium for trade which secures their benefit. About BitcoinBing Bitcoinbing has been created with the purpose of solving the current issues. The exchanges today are facing a certain number of issues. Bitcoinbing team had outlined all those issues and designed its own exchange in a way that it bypasses all those problems. Almost all the existing exchanges are put together in a rush to make profits as soon as possible. This approach has caused basic shortcomings in their structure of operations. Bitcoinbing platform took a longer time for development, with the specific goal of ensuring that the user experience does not deteriorate as user volumes ri


Introduction The mission of Betform is to establish itself as the highest decentralized social betting platform, which offers players a wide range of multiplayer block games with the maximum degree of convenience, adhering to the most High safety standards in the ecosystem. We can do this by connecting the blockers using smart contracts and payment channels that work perfectly safely, instantly and inexpensively. Betform uses a transparent way to generate the results of their games. Our PRNG has been tested and certified by a reputable testing laboratory. Players can access and check the entire history of card games at any time.Unlike other online casinos, you can join your friends, invite your friends or even join the table to make new friends when you play on our platform. Betform uses the latest technology to provide users with a safe and effective environment to play their favorite games. Operations are designed for intelligent contracts. Smart contracts immediatel


Memperkenalkan Misi Betform adalah untuk menjadikan diri kita sebagai platform taruhan sosial terdesentralisasi yang menawarkan pemain beragam permainan blockchain multiplayer pada tingkat kenyamanan maksimum, sementara mengikuti standar keamanan tertinggi dalam ekosistem. Kami dapat melakukan hal ini dengan menghubungkan blockchain, memanfaatkan kontrak cerdas, dan saluran pembayaran, yang bekerja dengan cara yang benar-benar aman, instan, dan murah. Taruhan Olahraga Resmi Ini sudah menjadi industri yang berkembang. Industri taruhan telah berkembang terlepas dari legalitasnya. Taruhan olahraga ilegal adalah industri multi-miliar dolar (beberapa perkiraan setinggi $ 150 miliar); siapa pun yang ingin memasang taruhan dapat melakukannya dengan mudah secara online atau melalui kolam kantor lokal dan buku-buku lepas pantai. Sekarang, setelah keputusan Mahkamah Agung, negara akan lebih cenderung mempertimbangkan atau meloloskan undang-undang untuk melegalkan taruhan ola

Betform: Social Betting Platform Powered by Smart Contract

Betform is a new generation of online-casino betting platform powered by the blockchain technology. Betform is designed to support a peer to peer gaming. Using the platform, the need for middlemen is naturally gone. Betform uses blockchain technology to create a gaming network that houses traditional functions such as paying out winning and offering quarterly rewards. This, however, is managing through the use of smart contracts. With any gaming platform comes the discussion as to which currency will be utilized and, in this case, it will be Betform’s native token, the Betform Coin (BFC). BFC is an ERC20 based on the Ethereum blockchain. All gaming activities envisaged by the Betform solution will employ this coin. Betform Games The platform offers numerous types of casino-betting games. But planned to have several more games to deploy. Some of them include: Mah-jong (Chinese-based board game) Big Two (Chinese-based card game where the winner is


Betform Introducing Betform mission is to establish ourselves as a top decentralized social betting platform that offer players wide range of multiplayers blockchain games at a maximum degree of convenience, while adhering to the highest security standards in the ecosystem. We are able to do this by connecting blockchains, leveraging on the smart contracts, and payment channels, which works in a completely secure, instantaneous and low-cost manner. Legalized Sports Betting It is already a thriving industry. The betting industry has blossomed regardless of its legality. Illegal sports betting is a multi-billion-dollar industry (some estimates are as high as $150 billion); anyone who wants to place a bet can do so easily online or through local office pools and offshore books. Now, after the Supreme Court decision, states will be more inclined to consider or pass legislation to legalize sports betting, thus allowing people to continue betting but in a regulated a

MYCRO - Intuitive Mobile Application For Use

Hello everyone in this article I will present an interesting ICO analysis, called MYCRO, based on the following criteria: What is Mycro? Simply getting the job done. Do you want to have a clean apartment but currently can’t find the time to do so yourself? Post the job offer directly on our beautiful designed Mycro app and we make sure you will be quickly connected with a community member who can help you out! What is MYCRO? MYCRO is an intuitive mobile application to use. Simple short-term work can be placed directly on the MYCRO network for free. Using known intelligent and self-learning algorithms from the dating platform, MYCRO matches these tasks on time with the right job seekers. He does the job. One person gets time, another money. Do you want to make some fast and easy money? Explore the Mycro app and find a job which suits you perfectly. Apply now and get the job done. Simple as that. We unleash the power of local communities by implementi