
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2019

DataBloc: Protecting the World's Data

Hello friends all are still with me Budiman. This time I will provide information about a very interesting project for you to see, in a new cryptocurrency named DataBloc. Before heading into the discussion I think we all agree that blockchain technology still requires efforts that encourage adoption to continue to grow and continue to grow in the future. Features The authors introduce DataBloc, the first enterprise grade sharing economy for data storage and services. The DataBloc platform is a web platform that seamlessly and securely connects service providers and enterprise customers. The DataBloc software, also known as StoneFusion, will be a 9th generation permission-based blockchain solution developed by StoneFly, a well-established data services company based in Silicon Valley. The software supports various data services and storage types, and offers enterprise-quality data optimization, availability, accessibility, security, and protection. Service provide

WISE - Powering IoT & M2M Economy

Thanks to the rapid development of Blockchain technology, artificial intelligence and IoT, it is now possible to create an M2M economy in which interaction is carried out directly between various smart devices using IoT sensors. Such technology makes it possible to completely eliminate the centralization and participation of intermediaries in all spheres and to ensure the transition of humanity to a higher standard of living. However, to implement this idea, it is necessary that all of the above technologies interact within a single network capable of processing the huge flow of data transmitted from more than one billion devices. Unfortunately, to date, no solution combining all of the above technologies has been presented. That is why a project called Wise Network was developed, which will be able to provide humanity with many different features that were previously unavailable. Project objective The main goal of Wise Network project developers is to provide

Wise - создания физического чипа с невероятными характеристиками!

Популярность криптовалют, а также блокчейна, стремительно растет. Сегодня можно найти множество сервисов, которые базируются на особенностях этой технологии. Разработка приложений является весьма развивающимся сегментом - создатели децентрализованного приложения Wise решили сделать настоящую революцию. Нет, их проект не является строго ограниченной децентрализованной платформой с определенными возможностями. В целом, инвесторы сегодня массово вкладывают средства в Wise, ведь у них есть идея создания физического чипа с невероятными характеристиками. (Image not shown due to low ratings) Почему следует обратить внимание на Ansuz Chip Данная инновационная разработка является весьма перспективной, создатели уверены в том, что сам чип, а также децентрализованная платформа, смогут принести существенную пользу. Отметим ключевые особенности Ansuz Chip: Никаких проблем с интеграцией инновационного Ansuz Chip в современные устройства. Это позволит сделать монтаж инновационн

Databloc Project - Protecting the World's Data

The DataBloc platform can be really a web platform which seamlessly and safely joins service providers and business customers. Even the DataBloc software, additionally called StoneFusion, is going to be the 9th era permission-based block-chain strategy developed by StoneFly, also a well-established info solutions company based in Silicon Valley. The software supports a variety of data storage and services types also offers enterprise-quality info optimization, availability, accessibility, protection, and protection. Companies down-load StoneFusion and listing their own services around the DataBloc platform. Company and people clients enter their storage needs along with which data providers they require. Customers then pick out accommodating providers from a curated checklist and purchase services directly about the internet platform. DataBloc could be the first solution exactly where by enterprise-quality service providers can get into software that permits them to offer ex

DATABLOC - [ICO REVIEW] Protecting the World's Data

INTRODUCTION  Nowadays with so much business competition in the company, it’s very difficult to get new customers and keep old customers. And now your old customers have important data that will greatly help market prospects with a high tendency to use your products and services. The data industry is very complicated and often inefficient, ineffective and certainly very harmful.  With this problem was born a very good project, namely DataBloc . This project will provide a very powerful interface between users and data sources. This project creates a one-point solution that will remove the need for multiple data vendors and layers of list managers and brokers that create inefficiencies in the market. I will explain more details about DataBloc . WHAT IS DATABLOC ? DataBloc is a plaform of revelational data that stands to disrupt the way companies and individuals gather premium data. Products from DataBloc will democratize data, make it more readily available, a

Protecting the World's Data with Databloc

The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, butdata.  DataBloc is the primary enterprise-class financial device for storing information and services. The DataBloc Platform is an internet platform that really and securely connects carrier suppliers and corporate clients. DataFloc, also recognized as StoneFusion, could be a 9th generation, block-based, block-based resolution constructed through way of StoneFly, a well-established Silicon Valley-based data-processing company. The device helps diverse information suppliers and garage types, and likewise adds optimization, availability, accessibility, safety and safety of corporate great data. DataBloc could be on hand via an online platform the place qualified carrier services record their information services. Service will fluctuate from information facilities to enterprises with their very own information services. services will enroll in the community to enhance the fluctuate in their products, develop their


Количество полезных данных растет в геометрической прогрессии наряду с достижениями в области искусственного интеллекта, социальных сетей, машинного обучения и Интернета вещей. Удивительно, но используется менее 50% всей емкости хранения данных.1. Поставщики централизованных услуг передачи данных используют неэффективные бизнес-модели и не имеют безопасности. Полностью децентрализованные модели повышают безопасность, но, поскольку каждый может выступать в качестве поставщика услуг, пользователям не хватает прозрачности в отношении того, кто хранит их данные, что создает значительные трудности при принятии. Однако разрешенная блокчейн предлагает логическое решение среднего уровня, в котором пользователи получают выгоду от безопасности блокчейна при сохранении прозрачности относительно того, кто хранит их данные. DataBloc это первая экономическая система корпоративного класса для хранения данных и услуг. Платформа DataBloc - это веб-платформа, которая легко и безопасно соеди

Virtual Park ICO Review | The Virtual Reality

Virtual Park ICO Review | The virtual reality ostrot ( 44 ) inbitcoin • 9 days ago #cryptonoff #VirtualPark #VR #blockchain #cryptocurrency #ico #crypto #ethereum #bitcoin Today, the cryptocurrency has reached almost all spheres of our life. The popularity of cryptocurrency makes us think about ways and technologies that will ensure their accessibility for ordinary people. Virtual Park is a platform combining modern virtual reality technology. The company has created such a structure that allows users to fully embody and integrate their ideas on the Virtual Park platform and at the same time, which is not unimportant, comprehensively promote them! In general terms, what is a virtual reality to understand the relevance of the development of the platform. Virtual reality (VR) is an artificial world created with the help of hardware and software and transmitted to a person through his sensations, such as sight, hearing, touch, and other methods. The possibilitie

VIRTUAL PARK - Platform For the Development of the VR Industry in the Global Market

(Image not shown due to low ratings) Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good project that is Virtual Park, and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion: WHAT IS VIRTUAL PARK? Virtual Park is a platform for the development of VR industry in the global market. Thanks to the technological solutions of Virtual Park Company, we will present users with new opportunities to interact with the virtual world, identifying trends in the development of this industry. With the help of tokens, we intend to bring virtual reality to a new level of sensations and possibilities, as well as to make the technology more accessible. How it works? For developers Access to the SDK Integration into Virtual Park infrastructure VR Lab: opportunity to realize your own product VR Marketplace Franchise Bonuses Payment of VR applications in Virtual Park tokens 15% discount when paying for applic

Virtual Park ICO Review | The Virtual Reality

#cryptonoff #VirtualPark #VR #blockchain #cryptocurrency #ico #crypto #ethereum #bitcoin Сегодня криптовалюта добралась почти во все сферы нашей жизни. Популярность криптовалют заставляет задуматься над способами и технологиями которые обеспечат их доступность для простых людей. Virtual Park представляет собой платформу сочетающую в себе современные технологии виртуальной реальности. Компания создала такую структуру которая позволяет пользователям полностью воплотить и интегрировать свои идеи на платформе Virtual Park и при этом, что не маловажно, всесторонне популяризировать их! В общих словах что собой представляет виртуальная реальность чтобы понять актуальность развития платформы. Виртуальная реальность (VR) – это искусственный мир, созданный с помощью аппаратного и программного обеспечения и который передается на человека через его ощущения, такие как зрение, слух, прикосновение, и другие способы. Возможности при этом безграничны. Разнообразные объекты мод

Virtual Park is a platform combining modern virtual reality technology.

Virtual Park created an infrastructure that allows you to fully embody and integrate your ideas on the Virtual Park platform and popularize them! WHAT IS VIRTUAL PARK? Thanks to the technological solutions of Virtual Park Company, we will present users with new opportunities to interact with the virtual world, identifying trends in the development of this industry. With the help of tokens, we intend to bring virtual reality to a new level of sensations and possibilities, as well as to make the technology more accessible. VR Tokens The VR tokens are the basis of the entire platform and will be released on the blockchain platform according to the ERC-20 standard. VR Token, released as part of a distribution, have a utility function and will be a means of transferring value within the platform. The VR tokens can be used as a means of payment for the purchase of games and modules developed by VR, by both franchised Virtual Parks and regular users. Payment