
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2018

Gooreo (I)

Gooreo adalah platform unik yang dikembangkan untuk membantu siswa yang baru lulus menemukan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan spesialisasi mereka dengan mudah dan juga memberi pengusaha kesempatan untuk mendapatkan siswa berbakat atau lulusan muda untuk bekerja sementara atau selamanya di Organisasi mereka. Gooreo juga telah membangun platform untuk menyederhanakan proses pencarian kerja bagi siswa dan mereka yang baru saja lulus, sehingga secara signifikan meningkatkan mata pencaharian mereka. Organisasi perusahaan juga sangat diuntungkan oleh platform kami karena minimisasi atau pemberantasan total layanan rekrutmen biaya tinggi untuk menemukan sumber yang tepat dari bakat yang dibutuhkan untuk peran khusus mereka sehingga dapat memaksimalkan keuntungan dalam jangka panjang. Kami juga telah membuat sistem yang akan membuat banyak mahasiswa pascasarjana dan majikan mereka lebih baik dengan memberantas ketidakefisienan, dan meningkatkan keamanan secara signifikan, meningka

Decentralized Vocation Platform!

Introduction The reason for this article is to feature OREO Coin, its innovation and plan of action to potential coin clients regarding the proposed ICO. Its sole object is to give pertinent and sensible data to potential clients for them to decide if to embrace a careful investigation of the open door with the purpose of gaining Oreo Coin. This article does not establish an offer to offer or a requesting of an offer to purchase a security in any purview in which it is unlawful to make such an offer or sales. Gooreo is an exceptional stage created to help recently graduated understudies in discovering employments suited to their specialization effectively and furthermore give proprietors of organizations the chance of getting capable understudies or youthful alumni to work incidentally or for all time in their Organizations. Gooreo is building a stage to streamline the activity looking procedure for students and crisp alumni, in this way enhancing their job essentially.


Mining cryptocurrency that benefits the environment. FUTURE ENERGY uses unconventional sources of renewable electricity with a working component of 0, due to this circumstance, optimizes the operating costs of developing cryptocurrency. The project generates its own electricity and does not depend on the central electrical networks and tariffs. Environmentally friendly way to get energy. Developments in the field of power generation solve a number of environmental problems. The project has an internal security system for intelligent modules and software protection. FUTURE ENERGY has been developing cryptocurrency since 2014. The project team consists of world-renowned scientists and professors. The project has 49 patented developments in the field of renewable energy sources, most of which are implemented in practice. CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS. Gas for landfill. Biogas. Geotermalnaya energy. Hydraulic power. Wave and tidal energy of the seas and oc

Future Energy project Cryptocurrency

Hello dear friends! We will talk about the Future Energy project. Cryptocurrency mining has begun taking on new forms. Notions such as ‘home mining’ are disappearing and are being replaced with high-performance data centres which consume enormous amount of energy resources. This becomes a real problem for many governments and states, resulting in heavy regulation of energy consumption. In turn, this negatively affects the efficiency of cryptocurrency mining. In the near future, this trend is likely to continue. Every day the profitability of cryptocurrency mining equipment declines due to the ever-growing complexity of thenetwork. The Future Energy Project was created to solve this problem. We will optimize mining costs through construction or purchase of non-traditional sources of electric power generated by renewable energy sources and nuclear energy. Controlling energy cost is the single best way to ensure profitability due to the complex, unpredictable and ever

FUTURE ENERGY - Mining that benefits the environment

"ASIC revolution" in the technology used for bitcoin mining will end. The structure of the ASIC chip for mining will be closed for nanometer restrictions on Moore's Law. For this reason, the big destiny boom in chip production is impossible. This effect in the commoditization of chips, which means they turn into commodities easily in the eyes of the market or customer and all the sudden drop in value. This will result in brands being forced to pay attention to mass production so as to generate income from volume, extraordinary rather than utilizing technological progress. Because the race to grow may be one of the latest technologies, the trade in bitcoin mining will experience a transition to the condition of overproduction of equipment. What determines production is electricity, extraordinary from equipment efficiency. The goals of the Future Energy project Cryptocurrency mining has begun to take a new form. A notion similar to 'house mining'


Майнинг криптовалюты, приносящий пользу окружающей среде. FUTURE ENERGY использует нетрадиционные источники возобновляемой электроэнергии с рабочим компонентом 0, благодаря данному обстоятельству, оптимизирует операционные расходы на разработку криптовалюты. Проект генерирует собственную электроэнергию и не зависит от центральных электрических сетей и тарифов. Экологически чистый способ получения энергии. Разработки в области производства электроэнергии решают ряд экологических проблем. Проект располагает внутренней системой безопасности для интеллектуальных модулей и защиты программного обеспечения. FUTURE ENERGY занимается разработкой криптовалюты с 2014 года. Команда проекта состоит из всемирно известных ученых и профессоров. Проект имеет 49 запатентованных разработок в области возобновляемых источников энергии, большинство из которых реализованы на практике. ТЕКУЩИЕ РАЗРАБОТКИ. Газ для захоронения отходов. Биогаз. Геотермальная энергия. Гидр